Monday 19 October 2009

Bullet time

Along with the dolly zoom bullet time is a technique that I like to. I think when ever i see bullet time being used well. When bullet time is used in "The Matrix" it is used to actually show how fast the character is moving. This might sound strange but it convays how fast he is moving very easily.

Another example of bullet time is in a film called "Swordfish", in the scene there is a bomb explosion in the mibble of the road in a hostage situation. When the bomb goes off the camera starts an arc motion around the whole explosion. The camera takes around about 40seconds to arc around the whole and if they didnt use bullet time then they would have to arc at the same speed as the explosion whitch would take less than a second so the audience wouldnt know what is going on. You can watch that clip here.... SWORDFISH bomb scene

Wednesday 14 October 2009

The dolly zoom

This is an example of one of my favorite shot types. When filmmakers use this technique I think it is very effective. Eg. When they use the dolly zoom in 'Vertigo' they use it for a phycological effect that really hits the audience when it happens. It can also be used when someone has a brain wave and this tells you that the things they just fingured out was bad or someone is in danger because of it. It is also used in horror films to show the physical effect of a moster/supernatural person on the physical surroundings.

To make the effective you have to either track into the object or person and zoom out at the same time or do the opposite to get different effects.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

My 5 favourite Films

1.Pulp Fiction: Crime, Drama, Thiller.

Apocalypse Now: Action, Drama, War.

3. Shaft: Action, Crime.

4. The Great Escape: Action, Adventure, Drama, History, Thriller, War.

5. Alien: Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

My Preliminary Task

This is my preliminary task that is filmed with Petros and Edward and we all edited it together with Final Cut Pro. This was all shot with one camera and we used the specified techniques such as: match on action, shot reverse shot and we also stuck to the 180 degree rule while filming.

This is the areial floor plan that i drew for my pliminary task that I scanned into the computer then uploaded it onto my blog.

This is an example of match on action that myself, Petros and Ed filmed together. Match on action is when you have two shots of someone doing the same thing (eg opening a door) and to have them look like they have done it all in one motion you have to match the action that they do so it doesnt look like they suddenly jump through the door way or if they are not even through the door way from when you saw them last.

Franklin storybord

This is my GIF storybord that I created on Adobe imageread.

Monday 5 October 2009

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is what has happened to the internet. Web 2.0 enables people to produce and distribute there own films, music, stories all with the help of websites like Youtube, Myspace and many others. While there is Web 2.0 it obviously evolved from Web 1 but we never called it that. Now more and more things are evolving Web 2.0 will evolve into Web 3.0. This link will tell you what Web 3.0 is....