Monday 7 December 2009

Opening Title sequences research: Juno

This title sequence from Juno is mainly cartoon but it starts out reality and she takes a swig of orange juice then music starts. that is the only thing we can hear throughout the whole opening. It starts a tracking shot then she walks past a tree and she walks into a cartoon world. As she walks through the cartoon its like it is in a book because it uses a very clever editing technique that makes it look like someone is turning pages and looking at different cartoon pictures. Also she is always walking in every shot which tells us that she is trying to get somewhere but not nessicarly in a hurry. As the shots change we follow her through her town to get where she wants to go. The font of the titles is also very cartoony. The music used is a happy song and the colours that are used are aslo very happy, and some of the locations like to what the song says.

From this opening title the veiwer is hooked because it is very integing and we want to know more about this girl and where she is walking to ect.....

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