Wednesday 5 May 2010


For all if the shoots we had set roles in the filming. For the 1st shoot Petros was operating the camera, Ed was in charge of props and I was the director. These roles seemed to work but the actual filming we did didn't work. But for the overall story, script and storyboard we all put in ideas and combined them so we got the end product we wanted.

For the second shoot Ed and Petros swapped roles so Ed was operating the camera and Petros was in charge of the props. But due to an actor not showing up Petros had to act and be in charge of the props. I remained the director for the second shoot. But this still didn't prove good enough (the filming)so we decided we were going to re-shoot for the last time. Also because we decided not to use actors and use our own group. In the end Ed and Petros acted and we all (before we were filming) checked every shot so we all put in our own ideas on how to film and what to film.

For the editing Petros and I did it and Ed was in charge of the sound. Editing in own film was a very important part because it gives the atmosphere of the film and with out the editing we did our film would be very boring and not get the effect that we wanted. But the we found that the sound was an important part to get the right atmosphere for our film. But due to the conditions we filmed in we got the right sounds eg. planes going over head and the sound of rustling in the wind. But just to make sure we didn't get any sounds we didn't want Ed put the sounds into soundtrack pro, this also meant that we could put sound effects in too such as when our title jumps at the beginning.

In the end we filmed 3 times and we got what we wanted from the third and final time we filmed. We learned that being organised is very important and also making sure that actors are available etc... We all had specified roles that proved to be successful in the production and post production.

Tuesday 4 May 2010


When we first came up with the idea for our film we wrote a script. We had dialogue with the two characters but in the end we decided that having no dialogue would be better because then the effect of what the character has done is made bigger. Having no talking enhances the atmosphere of what we were trying to achieve.

1.ext.night.park [real time]

darren standing over josh's body on the floor.the grass of the park is redend by the blood of the josh face. light shining on his face. [flashback]

Josh is on his sofa in his room with loud music playing in the background playing xbox. his phone rings and he seems to be arranging a meeting in 'the park' with someone he is going to meet.


hey darren. have you got it?
yeah yeah i got the money,you are going to be there?
alright cool. see you later.

after the phone conversation he gets up and goes to some draws and ruffles around at the bottom of the draw and pulls out a roll of £20 notes and realises its not enough and panics.

3.ext.night.park [real time]

darren going through josh pockets and finding a phone and his wallet while josh knocked out. [flashback]

Josh leaving his house and walking to the bus stop, getting on the bus and arriving at the park. he walks to the meeting point always looking behind him suspiciosly.

5.ext.early evening.park [flashback]

darren picks up a gun and a bag of drugs from a table and puts it in the waistband of his trousers and the drugs in his pocket. he walks out the the door and shuts it after him.

6.ext.night.park [flashback]

they meet,


hey man, how are you?


leave it out, wheres my money?


here it is, all here


one sec, let me check

Darren checks the money then looks up at josh and realizes that it is not enough.


what the fuck is this? you think you can do this to me? huh?


its all there, i counted it... it must have fallen out my pocket.


dont waste my time

Darren then walks away but josh tries to grab his pocket to steal the drugs.


what do you think your'e doing?

josh doesn't have enough money and begs the dealer.


please i'm desperate.

Darren then picks josh up and rams him against the tree. punches him in his stomach and hits him round the face, which makes josh unconscious.


darren standing over his body.the grass of the park is redend by the blood of the boys face. darren then walks away slowly out of the frame.


The characters in our story are two teenagers, with two very different back-rounds. We decided to do this to contrast the two characters.

The first two times we filmed we had problems with actors, such as actors not being as co-operative as we needed and actors not showing up at all. We learned trough this that we needed to be more organised throughout the process of filming etc...

Our last time of filming we decided not to use actors because we didn't want to go through the hassle of using them. Instead we used two of our group members.


Upper Middle Class, Private education lives with parents.
Blonde hair, blue eyes.
Popular in school, a confident and funny young man aged 16.


Checkered shirt,
Tight black jeans,
Bright Adiddas trainers,
Brown designer jacket.




18, tall, broad shoulders, long hair.
Thrown out of his house at 17, receives benefits.
Father is a drug user, Mother is abused by Father but keeps quite.
Deals drugs to make a living, no qualifications.


Dark tracksuit top and bottoms,
White trainers.

Location Photos 3

This is our third and final location. This was perfect because it was not near any roads, houses etc... so we didn't have to worry about people or sounds we didn't want. Because this was our final time filming we had all day to go there and make sure we filmed what we needed to film. The mise-en-scene of this location was perfect for what we were trying to achieve by choosing this sort of location.

Location Photos 2

This location seemed to prove successful for the genre of our film. This had good lighting, seclusion unlike our first location but the only problem was the standard of filming that we produced in this location. After this we knew our problems and knew exactly what to do and how to do it.

Location Photos 1

This was our first location chosen as a group. After filming we found that this location didn't work for our film because it was too open. In our script we needed a secluded place to fit the story etc...

Monday 12 April 2010

Our Film: Dark Days

This is our finished film.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Opening titles research: Tormented

For our opening of our film we did research on films and the film that we decided to look at was Tormented. In this video (at the bottom) you can see the opening titles and we looked at this and decided to fade into our film like this film did but insted of using music and no sound, we used the sound from the woods and didn't use music. We thought that this made the opening more emotional and brings the audience into the film right away because you hear the sound before the video starts.

This is useful because we used the sound from the woods over our titles along with the effects that we put on so the audience are asking themselves questions about where they are, who is it the sound of etc....

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Opening of Film

This coursework I think is the hardest work i've had to do. we have had to film this film 3 times now. we are now on our 3 time and we have nearly finshed editing. i think because we have filmed a few times it has made it easier and we ahve learned more. such as the different shots and what they look like when we edit them, also how many times the actors have to do the same movement for contiunety reasons. Even though the process was long and hard in places but i now feel confident with filming, editing, making titles and music for our film.