Wednesday 5 May 2010


For all if the shoots we had set roles in the filming. For the 1st shoot Petros was operating the camera, Ed was in charge of props and I was the director. These roles seemed to work but the actual filming we did didn't work. But for the overall story, script and storyboard we all put in ideas and combined them so we got the end product we wanted.

For the second shoot Ed and Petros swapped roles so Ed was operating the camera and Petros was in charge of the props. But due to an actor not showing up Petros had to act and be in charge of the props. I remained the director for the second shoot. But this still didn't prove good enough (the filming)so we decided we were going to re-shoot for the last time. Also because we decided not to use actors and use our own group. In the end Ed and Petros acted and we all (before we were filming) checked every shot so we all put in our own ideas on how to film and what to film.

For the editing Petros and I did it and Ed was in charge of the sound. Editing in own film was a very important part because it gives the atmosphere of the film and with out the editing we did our film would be very boring and not get the effect that we wanted. But the we found that the sound was an important part to get the right atmosphere for our film. But due to the conditions we filmed in we got the right sounds eg. planes going over head and the sound of rustling in the wind. But just to make sure we didn't get any sounds we didn't want Ed put the sounds into soundtrack pro, this also meant that we could put sound effects in too such as when our title jumps at the beginning.

In the end we filmed 3 times and we got what we wanted from the third and final time we filmed. We learned that being organised is very important and also making sure that actors are available etc... We all had specified roles that proved to be successful in the production and post production.

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